Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another Year Old

 Another year old..........

I feel much like a ghost today,
Invisible,except,for the things that I say.
Sometimes transparent,then fade away,
Like a wander spirit,just lost my way.
Today it felt like,time has just stopped,
Slipping down slowly,lost my grasp at the top.
Seconds become hours,then the day is gone,
Different words,to a familiar song............
Haunting shadows,from lifeless trees,
Snow blankets the ground,as it covers the leaves.
The daylight grows shorter,then it is dark,
Though the memories live on,inside of my heart.
The cold wind creeps up,sends a shiver up my spine,
I'm left here wondering,as the clock unwinds.......
Everything is gone,it left with the time,
No words are spoken,much like a mime.
Just when I thought,I couldn't take no more,
The wind blew sharply,closed the door.
Looking for shelter,a place to hide,
As I peer through the glass,it's warmer inside.
Winter sets in,and it starts to get cold,
Not all that wiser,yet another year old..........

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