Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Mood

i am in a writing mood
But someone wants me to fix some food

I had a line that I hadn't forgot
Someone wanted me to check the clock

I love these moods when words just flow
Someone stepped on my toe

The rain pours down in continous rhyme
But right now I haven't got the thyme

The thyme slows down in January
And I can enjoy the singing Canary

Or Goldfinch as it feeds on Rebeckia
A dash of yellow on bleak cloudy Yucca

Slip out on the porch in damp and cold
Just what I need to restore my soul

Star Magnolia what a treat
Buds could be open in a week

But I know within my heart
Colder must come before spring starts

Out on the porch one more time
God granted me a few more rhymes////

Oh dear

darling dear I love you
oh honey I've got it bad
no more maybe baby
cuz I know that makes you mad

let's sit upon the sofa seat
I have something to say
I bought some bread, a loaf of wheat
that expired yesterday

and it makes me feel so needed
when you tell me what to do
your instructions have been heeded
please don't yell dear I hear you

your bossiness endears me
and your rudeness I deserve
I love the way
you slap and say
what you lookin' at, you perv

dearest pumpkin, let me say this
from the moment that we met
I've hungered for our first kiss
have you decided on that yet?

cuz your perfume wakes my senses
it alerts me when your near
now I have no more defenses
just my quick reflexive fear!////

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How Could You Not Want Me

One night my mom and dad created me, then my dad told my mom i was not meant to be. My mommy cried day and night, trying to decide what is wrong and what is right. Inside of your womb I could hear the two of you yell and scream Daddy wanting to abort me, mommy wanting me to fulfill me dreams. Each time you went to the abortion clinic, inside I was screaming NO!!!!! Mommy please don't kill me, please give me a chance to grow. You must have heard my screams, cause each time you let me live. Thank you for not killing me mommy, I have so much love to give. The day that I was born I saw a tear drop in my mommy's eye The expression on her face, how could he want our child to die. Look at me dad in my mommy arms, so precious as can be Now look at my mommy and answer her question....... HOW COULD YOU NOT WANT ME?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Erased Memories

That greatest thief of all of time
Is erasing my memories.
He comes in unexpectedly
With no thank you or a please.
I labeled them very carefully,
And filed them away in my mind.
I knew they would be there when needed.
They would be so easy to find.
Page after page of my long life
Would be there for a book.
But what has become  of those images
And mental notes I took?
Alzheimers slipped into my storage room
And has left everything in a heap.
How could he treat me so cruelly?
Did he do this when I was asleep?
Whose are these faces around me?
I really don't know them at all
And I don't recognize the pictures
That are hanging on my wall.
Why has he hidden my babies?
I'm so sure I can hear them cry.
I look but I cannot find them
No matter how hard I may try.
Please go and find my mama
Everything will be alright.
She knows that I will need her
To tuck me in at night.
I'll just pull up these blankets
And wait for her to come.
Now who is it I'm waiting for?
It's okay, I've found my thumb.

Another Year Old

 Another year old..........

I feel much like a ghost today,
Invisible,except,for the things that I say.
Sometimes transparent,then fade away,
Like a wander spirit,just lost my way.
Today it felt like,time has just stopped,
Slipping down slowly,lost my grasp at the top.
Seconds become hours,then the day is gone,
Different words,to a familiar song............
Haunting shadows,from lifeless trees,
Snow blankets the ground,as it covers the leaves.
The daylight grows shorter,then it is dark,
Though the memories live on,inside of my heart.
The cold wind creeps up,sends a shiver up my spine,
I'm left here wondering,as the clock unwinds.......
Everything is gone,it left with the time,
No words are spoken,much like a mime.
Just when I thought,I couldn't take no more,
The wind blew sharply,closed the door.
Looking for shelter,a place to hide,
As I peer through the glass,it's warmer inside.
Winter sets in,and it starts to get cold,
Not all that wiser,yet another year old..........

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Knights Tale

Sir John the Brave as he is now known for he once slew a dragon, 
Became the champion of the King and protector of his wagon. 

The King it seems had a magic touch that changed his coach to gold, 
And now Sir John is by honor bound to guard it I am told. 

This duty gives Sir John a lot of time to deal with as he pleases, 
To pre-arrange his dalliances by preparing fine wine and cheeses. 

It seems the knight has gained a taste for gourmet food and drink, 
So now all he has to do to get a date is to give a little wink. 

But his one true love is a Lady that keeps him forever waiting, 
He can’t find the way to unlock her heart and it’s getting irritating. 

You’d think a knight of his stature would be considered quite a catch, 
But this Lady keeps him at arms length and it seems he’s met his match.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

peace and poetry


There is always a page reserved for me,
and it is absolutely free!
Here my simple poems, I tell,
with the same feelings you must have, as well.
And on this little island of poetry,
I have found people from every single country.
And I am proud to write a poem and share,
with so many wonderful poets who care